Legal Disclaimer
We do not sell our products to minors under the age of 20 years old.
We do not accept any claim of whatsoever by using our products. You purchase and use of our products are on your own and full responsibility and risk.
We suggest you to consult with your home doctor if you should or should not use our product.
You should not use Cannabis if you are driving, pregnant, have a immune system disorder, or are allergic to Cannabis.
Marijuana and Marijuana Product Disclaimer
Keep all marijuana and marijuana products out of reach of children and animals. Intoxicating effects of marijuana and marijuana products may be delayed up to two (2) hours. Use of marijuana while pregnant or breastfeeding may be harmful. Consumption of marijuana and marijuana products impairs your ability to drive and operate machinery, please use extreme caution.
Assumption Of Liability
You assume the risk of any-and-all damage or loss incurred as a result of your consumption of marijuana or marijuana products obtained from any Gornwit dispensary or store. Although the Site and employees of Gornwit at dispensaries and stores may provide information regarding the marijuana and marijuana products available from each Gornwit location, including but not limited to dosage amounts, instructions for use, estimated length of time the dosage will have an effect source of cultivation/manufacturing, other information required under Thai law, and all other descriptions or information (collectively “Marijuana Information”), such Marijuana Information should in no way be construed as medical advice. All Marijuana Information is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice under any circumstance. While Gornwit's Wellness Specialists are highly trained in medical cannabis the differences in the purported effects and effectiveness of the strains of medical marijuana and the methods of their use, we are not certified medical professionals. Always consult your primary care physician or other qualified healthcare provider prior to using marijuana or a marijuana product for treatment of a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or fail to seek it following receipt of Marijuana Information from the Site or a Gornwit location. Gornwit and each Gornwit location cannot guarantee the accuracy of any Marijuana Information provided on the Site; do not rely on such Marijuana Information.
By accessing the Site and the services offered, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these legal disclaimers together with Gornwit terms of service and privacy policy.